Subject – History
Subject Leader – Mrs Robson
As a lover of stories, I believe that the most important stories we will hear are those that shaped the world we inhabit today: the stories of our collective history.
We want children to leave St Wilfrid's with a love of research, questioning, and investigating new knowledge, in addition to possessing a firm understanding that where we have been has an impact on where we are.
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Intent statement
At St Wilfrid’s, History is an individual subject area whilst also being integral to children’s understanding of the world in which we live and exist. History impacts upon our daily lives and experiences. Our society has been shaped by significant events and people of the past. It is important for children to understand cultural, national and international history as a way of creating a shared identity and interconnections.
Through teaching history, the school aims to equip our children to use critical thinking and creativity to understand the way that the world is always changing. We seek to explore the past through a conceptual lens which will enable children to understand more of their past and hence, become citizens of the future. A careful progression in skills and knowledge will help children to build on these skills through the primary curriculum and will equip them as they move into higher education and beyond.
Implement statement
The school focuses on developing the skills necessary for children to be able to engage with the social, political and economic changes of the world around us. The subject of history begins in the EYFS as it is incorporated in everyday learning. The historical aspects of the children’s work relate to the objectives set out in the early learning goals (ELGs).
In KS1, the children will begin by learning changes within living memory to enable an understanding of the ever changing development of history. They will also look at significant local history in order to understand how their homes and lives have been affected by people and events, giving them a regional identity. They will start to look at history on a global scale by looking at significant people and events from the past.
In KS2, children will begin to study specific periods of time in a chronological order. Children will continue to develop the concepts of historical enquiry by beginning to differentiate between primary and secondary sources and make independent evaluations of historical events. They will be able to build up an understanding of chronology from ancient to modern history.
Impact statement
St Wilfrid’s historical study enables children to understand historical concepts and vocabulary and have an understanding of the events and people that have shaped the world that we live in today. They will develop skills such as problem solving, asking and answering questions, testing and evaluating hypotheses as well as developing an awareness of the importance on reflecting upon the past in order to inform the future.