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PSHE - Personal, Social, Health Education

Subject Leader – Mrs Oakes

I am very honoured to lead PSHE at St Wilfrid’s as I feel that it is extremely important for all children to build their skills, attitudes, self- esteem, resilience and confidence to become good citizens of the future.

At St Wilfrid’s Catholic Academy we use a comprehensive scheme of learning called Jigsaw.  It holds children at its heart and aims to equip them for happy, healthy lives and to be effective learners.


At St Wilfrid’s we believe that PSHE is an essential part of the curriculum that allows us to teach information and skills to empower children to learn now, and improve their life chances later. Through the teaching and learning of ‘The Jigsaw Approach to PSHE’ we feel that the children will have opportunities to develop their self-feelings, thoughts and ideas using a range of concepts that will allow them to build on their social skills and emotional skills in a mindfulness and spiritual way. We inspire the children to ask questions about themselves and the world around them. We endeavour to give children the life skills that they need to continue on in life after education. We will continue to promote equality and inclusion for all of our children, and these will be topics that will be discussed and taught as part of a broad and balanced curriculum.


To ensure quality teaching in the key concepts for PSHE, we implement a curriculum that allows all children to focus on the same aspects at the same time throughout the school whilst developing progression within year groups. Through ‘The Jigsaw Approach to PSHE’, the children are taught all of the skills and concepts, bringing together PSHE Education, emotional literacy, social skills and spiritual development. We promote the children’s individualities, adapting teaching strategies and lessons to meet the different needs of our children. Our PSHE scheme at St Wilfrid’s ‘The Jigsaw Approach’ is designed as a whole school approach, with all year groups working on the same theme and concepts (Puzzle) at the same time. This enables each Puzzle to start with an introductory assembly to discuss the learning intentions, new vocabulary and key concepts, generating a whole school focus for adults and children alike. Each lesson (Piece) of the ‘Jigsaw’ has two Learning Intentions: one is based on specific PSHE learning (covering the non-statutory national framework for PSHE Education but enhanced to address children’s needs today); and one is based on emotional literacy and social skills.


This approach to teaching PSHE means that our curriculum and coverage is relevant to children living in today’s world as it helps them to understand and be equipped to cope with issues like body image, cyber and homophobic bullying, and internet safety. Our children will have a wider knowledge of themselves and the world around them. Showing acceptance and understanding to others, but also understanding the importance of self-thoughts and feeling

Jigsaw- The mindful approach to PSHE

We use our Jigsaw friends in our PSHE lessons, these are used as ‘the talking object’ or they can take on the role of a distancing tool, helping children talk about sensitive issues

Nursery and Reception – Jigsaw Jenie

Year 1 – Jigsaw Jack

Year 2- Jigsaw Jo

Year 3- Jigsaw Jino

Year 4- Jigsaw Jaz

Year 5 – Jigsaw Jez

Year 6 –Jigsaw Jem

We use the Jigsaw Charter in all of our Jigsaw lessons, to ensure that all child have a voice and the opportunity to share their thoughts and ideas as well as the chance to listen to others.

We use the chime in all of our lessons during the ‘calm me’ section.  This is a way for the children to learn techniques to relax their bodies and calm their minds to reach an optimum state of learning.

Statutory Relationships and Health Education

At St Wilfrid’s we complement the PSHE scheme Jigsaw with a Catholic scheme of work called ‘Ten:Ten – Life to the Full’ to cover SRE.

Mental Health and Well-being

Here at St Wilfrid’s we promote positive mental health and well-being for all children, parents, carers and staff members. Children will be taught about mental health and well-being during PSHE lessons. These skills and strategies learnt to help improve positive mental health will be reinforced through whole school assemblies and special days of recognition.

2022-2023 Dates

Monday 10th October - World Mental Health Day

Sunday 13th November - World Kindness Day

Monday 14th – Friday 18th November - Anti-Bullying Week

Monday 6th – Sunday 12th February - Children’s Mental Health Week

Tuesday 14th February – Internet Safety Day

Useful Mental Health and Well-being websites