Sports Premium, Intent and Impact
Newman Catholic Collegiate Use of P.E and Sport Funding.
For the current year, 2022/23, St. Wilfrid’s has received an annual ‘P.E Sport Premium’ of £18, 700. Schools are free to determine how best to use this funding. Funding must improve the quality and breadth of PE and sport provision, increasing participation in PE and inspiring the children to lead healthy, active lifestyles.
The Schools within the Newman Catholic Collegiate have pooled a percentage of this Funding, employing a Physical Education Specialist Leader of Education (Mr. Sigley) to manage and co-ordinate P.E across all 8 Primary Academies.
At St Wilfrid’s the delivery of P.E is carefully monitored in several ways. We are diligent in ensuring that all children benefit from an exciting, structured and challenging P.E offer.
Throughout 2022/23 all of the School’s within the Newman Catholic Collegiate will benefit from:
- Teachers receiving 1-to-1 CPD with a P.E Specialist in a wide variety of activities. This will continue to raise the standard of teaching and learning in P.E across the Collegiate.
- An increase in competitive opportunities in a number of Physical Activities.
- An increase in intra school competitions.
- An increase in extra-curricular opportunities for pupils to extend their learning.
- A simple and effective assessment policy implemented throughout the Collegiate.
- An elevated focus on teaching our children the benefits of Healthy, Active Lifestyles.
The Newman Catholic Collegiate places a huge emphasis on the important role P.E and Sport plays in developing children’s physical, social and mental health.
Each School within the Collegiate continually evaluates its P.E and Sports delivery. Please read our ‘P.E Impact document’ to learn more about the ways in which we do this and the innovative plans we have in place.